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Xi's U.S. Visit and its Significance on Tibet

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During President Barack Obama and Xi Jinping’s joint press conference, President Obama has publicly asked China to directly engage with the Dalai Lama or his representatives to resolve Tibet’s issue. This is significant as human rights situation inside Tibet and China proper under Xi’s rule has been deteriorating and many right groups have been asking Obama to publicly raise human rights related issues during Xi’s visit to D.C. It also comes at a time, after China has released two successive White Papers on Tibet praising its own polices inside Tibet and rejecting Middle Way approach to resolve Tibet's issue. At the same time, during his entire U.S. visit, Tibetans from all over the U.S. have mounted a determined and noisy protest against Xi Jinping and his policies. Table Talk invites Bhuchung K. Tsering, Vice President of International Campaign for Tibet, Tsepa Bhayul, Communication Director of Student for Free Tibet to discuss the significance of Xi’s visit on Tibet.