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Molding Baby’s Head Prevent Many Postnatal Developments

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The baby’s skull and brain layers are very soft and their shapes can easily be manipulated. Some cultures, including Tibetans in certain areas, take the advantage to make the back of their babies’ heads flat for cosmetic reasons. But a new research finds that there might be adverse consequences for both short and long time well-being of the child. Through her research and data collection, Helen Beaton of the University of Notre Dame, found that putting babies on their back, which is what the parents do to make the babies’ back of heads flat, limits the development. “For brain development and baby’s ability to learn to move, discover their world, babies need to learn to move,” said Ms. Beaton, talking to VOA Tibetan Service. She said by learning to move freely and getting help to experience different positions, babies develop their motor skills as well as psychological development, including the development of language.