President Obama’s 2015 State of the Union Address
Interview with Tenzin Tsetan, President, Regional Tibetan Youth Congress, MN, and Rinzin, Host, Table Talk, VOA Tibetan Service on President’s January 20 State Of The Union. Tsetan said that he particularly liked the part of the address where the President highlighted the progress in US economy, and the price of gas going down. Rinzin gives 8 or 9 out of 10 marks for the President’s address. He said that the President was most confident in bringing forth his proposals but he said that he agrees with other analysts that the President knows fully well that many of these proposals are not going to be taken up by the republican-controlled Congress. On the President’s proposal for a free 2-year Community College for eligible students, Tsetan said that he is for quality and not quantity in higher education, and so does not much appreciate that, while Rinzin said that many Tibetan-Americans will be beneficiary of such programs along with health and medical programs.