Dharmsala Deals with Problems of Fake Document Racket བོད་སྐད།

The Central Tibetan administration is deeply concerned with the increasing problem of fake document rackets in the Tibetan community in India. Secretary of Department of Security, Mr. Jampel Chosang and Secretary of Department of Finance, Mr. Sonam Topgyal were sent to urge the Tibetans in Delhi to help arrest the Tibetans who are in the racket of making fake documents.

A meeting was organized to make public announcements at Majnu Tilla Tibetan Camp on June 30, 2009. "We urge the Tibetans to help arrest the racketeers. We will inform the concerned Indian authorities to deal with them," said Mr. Sonam Topgyal and continued that "even fake Green Books are sold for obtaining travel document." A Green Book is a must for making travel documents in India. He cautioned the Tibetans not to get trapped by these unscrupulous dealers.

He also announced that circular has been sent to all the foreign missions in India by the Kashag Office informing them of the circulation of fake Green Books.

Mr. Jampel Chosang explained the difficulties faced by illegal Tibetan immigrants in European countries, "especially in Belgium it is difficult to lead a decent life without proper paper," he said.

Many from the audience raised difficulties for making proper documents in Delhi. Mrs. Samten Chodon appealed to Tibetan administration to help deal with concerned Indian authorities. "They demand huge amount of money [Rs 12000/-] for making Registration Certificate (R.C.) even for our children." For making travel document, Tibetans must have Green Book and Indian Registration Certificate.