Kunleng TV: China's New Law on Reincarnated Lamas

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China’s new law aimed at controlling the system of recognizing and giving religious education to Tibetan Buddhist Lamas (Tulkus) will take effect on September 1, 2007. The move is seen by many as the latest attempt by Beijing to consolidate its control over Tibet, and prepare for laying the 'legal' groundwork for selecting the next Dalai Lama. A report released by the US Congressional Executive Commission on China calls the new legal measures as China’s assertion of “ unprecedented control over Tibetan Buddhist reincarnation”.

This week’s Kunleng invites Mr. Lodi Gyari, the Special Envoy of the Dalai Lama to discuss the potential impact of this new law on the ongoing Sino-Tibet talks, and Tibetan religion and society in general.

Kunleng is simulcast on television via satellite, on shortwave radio, and via the Internet in real time. Tune in every Wednesday at 1400-1500 UTC, 10:00 pm - 11:00 pm Lhasa time. Call us live during the program with your comments and questions: From Tibet and China Call toll-free 10810 866 837 5159
From elsewhere us at 1-202-619-3774 (Tell the operator to reverse the charges and we will pay for the call.)

Or send your name and phone number in advance so we can contact you during the show. If you are not able to join us in person please send your questions to us via fax or e-mail to: tibetan@voanews.com or Fax: 1- 202-382-5596