Kunleng TV: The Handicapped and Tibetan Society

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Blind Tibetan children in Lhasa now study Tibetan, Chinese, English and mathematics in a school funded by a blind German woman. In Dharamsala, India, a Tibetan Parliamentarian, devotes all her time to running a home and school for exiled Tibetan handicapped children.

As Tibetan culture and society undergoes many changes, a small but devoted group of Tibetans, both inside and outside Tibet, are making efforts to change traditional views and attitudes toward people with mental and physical disabilities, and working to create opportunities for them in education and the work environment.

This week, Kunleng host Changchub Dolma talks to Ms. Ngawang Lhamo, a Tibetan Parliament member and founder of Nyingtop Ling,(The name '' Nyingtob Ling", which roughly translates into "home of the determined", was given by the Dalai Lama) a Tibetan handicapped school in Dharamsala, and Ven. Lama Pema Wangdak, a monk scholar who created a Tibetan script in braille, on the issue of the handicappeds and disableds in Tibetan society today.

Kunleng is simulcast on television via satellite, on shortwave radio, and via the Internet in real time. Tune in every Wednesday at 1400-1500 UTC, 10:00 pm - 11:00 pm Lhasa time. Call us live during the program with your comments and questions: From Tibet and China Call toll-free 10810 866 837 5159
From elsewhere us at 1-202-619-3774 (Tell the operator to reverse the charges and we will pay for the call.)

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