Kasur Dawa Tsering Passes Away

It is with great sadness that the Tibetan Service of the Voice of America had to announce the death of our wonderful colleague and friend Kasur Dawa Tsering. He passed away on December 31, 2006 after a long illness. His former colleagues Gyari Lode Gyaltsen, Special Envoy of His Holiness the Dalai Lama and former Kalon Tripa Sonam Topgyal La conveyed their condolence to the family and praised Dawa Tsering La’s integrity and exemplary character and his valuable service to the people of Tibet.

On behalf of the Tibetan Service, John Buescher, Service Chief, remembered Dawa Tsering La as “a fine gentleman…. A wonderful colleague, a hard and careful worker, who took great care with the news stories he worked on…. He was a joy to work with because of his tremendous energy and professional integrity…. Who lightened many of our long workdays with his unfailing sense of humor. We were fortunate indeed to have him with us.”