Talk to VOA: Organic Farming in the Exile Tibetan Settlements

Within Tibet, many Tibetan farmers are rapidly losing their market share to the Chinese vegetable growers. The Chinese generally rent land from the Tibetans and use modern methods, including fertilizers and greenhouses, to grow vegetables for the increasing urban populations in Tibet. Some experts are urging Tibetan farmers to implement organic methods that would appeal to affluent locals and tourists rather than compete directly with the Chinese.

Meanwhile, the Tibetan government-in-exile has launched a pilot organic farming program in some Tibetan settlements in southern India to develop an organic farming niche in their area. 'Talk to VOA' invites Tibetan organic farmers in India to discuss their experience. Tibetan TV correspondent Changchub Dolma traveled to the Kollegal Tibetan settlement to talk with farmers and community leaders about the pilot program. The challenges organic farming creates, including investment costs and intensive labor.

Looks at the growing popularity of organic food in the United States. Shot on location at a popular Washington DC farmer's market, producers and their customers talk about the benefits of locally-produced organic food and the trend of such produce in America.

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