Talk to VOA Weekly TV Program: Impact of New Media on Tibetan World

Tibetan communities are no longer stranger to print and audio-visual media. It has been over almost a year and half that VOA Tibetan Service has aired a weekly TV call in show. Today, in our TALK TO VOA segment, we want to hear our listeners on what they think of the new media. We are talking with a Tibetan journalist, a Settlement officer of one of the most populous Tibetan resettlement in India as well as a teacher and anyone who can call us and say how the media is doing and how they can do better. Call us during the show with your questions or comments. Join host Tseten Chodon and her guests Discussion the latest news and current events

Join the Discussion!

Every Wednesday 1400 UTC (GMT)
Call us live during the program with your comments and questions

Collect Call: 1-202-619-3774

From Tibet and China Call 10810 866 837 5159

Please send your name and phone number in advance so we can contact you during the show. If you are not able to join us in person please send your questions to us via phone, fax or e-mail at:

Phone: (+1) 202-619-3774
Fax: (+1) 202-205-2434