Tibetans Across the World Marked the 56th Anniversary of Tibetan National Uprising

Dharamsala, North India

Dharamsala, North India

New Delhi, India

Delhi, India

Delhi, India

Tawang, India

Tawang, India

Tawang, India

Arunachal Pradesh, India

Arunachal Pradesh, India

Toronto, Canada

Boston, USA

Boston, USA

Boston, USA

Kalmuk, Russia

Kalmuk, Russia

Kalmuk, Russia

Chicago, USA

Chicago, USA

Atlanta, Georgia, USA

Atlanta, Georgia, USA

Chicago, USA

Edinburgh University, Scotland

Edinburgh University, Scotland

New York New Jersey

New York New Jersey

New York New Jersey

New York New Jersey

San Francisco, USA

San Francisco, USA

San Francisco, USA

Paris, France

Paris, France

Paris, France