Monk Sentenced to 7 Years for Releasing Self-Immolation Information

Yonten Gyatso behind bars at an unknown location

37 years old Yoten Gyatso, a monk of Khashi monastery near Ngaba, has been sentenced to 7 years in Mianyang prison in Sichuan for releasing information about a self-immolation that took place last October.

After Yoten's release of information about Tenzin Wangmo’s self-immolation on October 17, he was secretly detained and tortured at Bungyang prison in Sichuan.

A leading Tibetan culture and language advocate, Yoten has set up a Tibetan school in Khashi and taught Tibetan language at the school. He has worked as a disciplinarian and head of the religious management committee at Khashi monastery.

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