
གཟའ་སྤེན་པ། ༢༠༢༤/༠༧/༢༧

Tibetan Man Self-immolates in Kham Tawu


A Tibetan man set himself ablaze around 12 noon local time in Tawu County of Kardze Tibetan Autonomous Prefecture on April 15, 2014.

Tibetan Man Self-immolates in Kham Tawu
Tibetan Man Self-immolates in Kham Tawu
Tawu Lobsang Jinpa from Dharamsala, North India tells VOA's Tibetan Service that Thinley Namgyal, a 32 year old man succumbed to his burns within minutes after setting himself on fire. "Due to the remote locality of the incident, the Chinese authorities were not able to immediately confiscate his body, allowing enough time for the local residents to bring the body to Gongthal monastery, which was later returned to his home," Jinpa further added.

Thinley Namgyal, who hails from Khangsar village becomes the fourth Tibetan in Tawu County to succumb to his burns.

Tsewang Norbu, a 29 year old Tibetan monk was the first Tibetan in the Tawu region to burn himself on fire, calling for the return of the Dalai Lama to Tibet, and freedom for Tibetans on August 15, 2011. This was followed by self-immolations of Tibetan nuns Palden Choetso, and Wangchen Dolma, on November 3, 2011 and June 11, 2013 respectively.

Due to the three previous self-immolations that took place in the region, the area has been under heightened security and restrictions.

With this incident, the total number of known self-immolators inside Tibet has risen to 131 since February 2009.

Majority of the self-immolators have called for the return of the Dalai Lama to Tibet, and freedom for Tibetans, while some have left written notes.