
གཟའ་སྤེན་པ། ༢༠༢༤/༠༧/༢༧

One of Three Tibetan Hunger Strikers Has been Taken to a Hospital  in New York - 2004-05-01

One of three Tibetans has been taken to a hospital in New York City on the 29th day of a hunger strike to protest China's policies in Tibet.

Dolma Choephel, of Dharamsala, India, was hospitalized after she collapsed late Friday. Officials say she is in stable condition.

She collapsed as 200 Tibetans were conducting a prayer meeting at Tibet House in Manhattan.

Two other protesters are in good condition and have vowed to continue their fast. The three hunger strikers have lain on mattresses in Dag Hammerskjold Plaza in front of the United Nations each day for the past 29 days.

The protesters are demanding that the United Nations re-open the debate on the human rights situation in Tibet, appoint a special envoy to investigate religious and political freedoms in Tibet and pressure China to release several high profile political prisoners.

The Tibetan Youth Congress and other officials have expressed concern for the protesters and have called on them to end their hunger strike.