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Tibetan NGO Organizes Exhibition to Highlight Tibet’s Past Independence Status

Tibetan NGO Organizes Exhibition to Highlight Tibet’s Past Independence Status
Tibetan NGO Organizes Exhibition to Highlight Tibet’s Past Independence Status
Tibetan NGO Organizes Exhibition to Highlight Tibet’s Past Independence Status
Tibetan NGO Organizes Exhibition to Highlight Tibet’s Past Independence Status

The New York and New Jersey regional chapter of the Tibetan National Congress (TNC) organized a three day exhibition titled, ‘The Knowledge Treasury of Tibetan Independence’ infront of the United Nations building in New York City to highlight Tibet’s past independence status.

The exhibit includes Tibet’s past currencies in various denominations, past treaties and agreements with other countries, and other symbols of an independent state like Tibet's past flag, army, etc.

Considering Tibet’s past independence status, the group is demanding the United Nations to grant the Dharamsala based Central Tibetan Administration a non-member observer status in the world body.

Ahead of this campaign, the group has released a press statement asking the UN body to address the legitimate grievances of the Tibetan people and recognize its past status. It said, “The granting of observer status to the Central Tibetan Administration in the UN General Assembly would allow the General Assembly to address the suffering of the Tibetan people, and contribute to international peace and security, and the promotion of respect for fundamental human rights and freedoms. Granting of observer status would also be a valid and honorable step for the General Assembly to take, fifty-six years after it first called for the Tibetan people’s right to self-determination”.

Tseten Lhagyal, the President of TNC’s New York and New Jersey chapter tells VOA that the organization had spent many months working on the exhibition documents, and that they intend on holding similar exhibitions in various cities of the United States and other countries within the next months.

More on the report below:
