
གཟའ་ལྷག་པ། ༢༠༢༤/༡༠/༢༣

TCHRD Releases Imprisoned Tibetan Writer's Books in Exile


The Tibetan Centre for Human Rights and Democracy based in Dharamsala, Northern India and PEN Tibetan Writers Abroad jointly observed the 33rd PEN Internationals’ Day of Imprisoned Writer in Dharamsala on November 15, 2014, .

During the event, Tibetan Writers Association and TCHRD released Jigme Gyatso’s “Diaries of Hardship and Struggle” and Jado Rinchen’s “The Power of Justice."

Jigme Gyatso, who is currently serving a prison term in Tibet, and Jado Rinchen, a former political prisoner were both imprisoned more than once by the Chinese authorities.

The books jointly released by TCHRD and Tibetan Writers Association are the personal collection of the prisoner's experiences, difficulties, and their accounts of the situation inside Tibet.

Woeser, Secretary of Tibet Writer’s Association discusses the subject matter of the two books with VOA's Table Talk.