
གཟའ་ལྷག་པ། ༢༠༢༤/༡༠/༢༣

North American Tibetan Language Conference Held in California

A 2-day conference to discuss Tibetan language education for Tibetan children in the United States and Canada was held Saturday in Northern California

Organizers said the conference cum workshop touched many aspects of teaching young Tibetans, including the achievements made in the last two decades in the area of teaching Tibetan language to young children in the Americas, finding solutions to the challenges confronted by different Tibetan communities, and improving teaching methods and curriculums.

Some of the more intense discussions focused on the merits of whether to conduct reading and writing classes in Uchen or Umey Tibetan script, and the problem of maintaining student's interest and commitment to the weekend classes as they enter higher grades.

The conference was attended by Tibetan teachers from various communities and non-Tibetan experts on language education and bi-lingual schooling.
