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Pioneer Modern Singer Tawo Lobsang Palden Discusses Tibetan Music

Tawo Lobsang Palden
Tawo Lobsang Palden

Long before today’s popular contemporary Tibetan young singers like Kunga Phuntsok and Sherten, there was a revolutionary contemporary musician, composer and singer - Tawo Lobsang Palden.

His first pop album, Trinkhor I, released in 1985 became an instant hit in the exiled Tibetan music world and introduced a new fusion of western and traditional Tibetan music.

Tawo Palden along with his friends popularized folk drinking songs like Lhasey Changshey (Ama Changma or Mother Bartender) through use of western musical instruments, and created many evergreen songs like Yeshi Norbu (His Holiness the Dalai Lama) and Namgung ki Nyida (Sun and Moon).

Tawo Lobang Palden moved to Germany around the age of 10 and is a doctor at the State Hospital of Ludenscheid. In today's show, Tawo Palden tells how he began creating songs and what sparked his early interest in music. He also talks about some of his favorite songs from his Trinkhor albums and on his future plans to make more music. His website: http://trinkhor.de

Listen to Tawo Lobsang Palden's Interview and Songs